
class streamtracer.StreamTracer(max_steps, step_size)

Bases: object

A streamline tracing class.

max_steps : int

Number of steps available for each line.

step_size : float

Step size as a the fraction of cell size.

cyclic : [bool, bool, bool], optional

Whether to have cyclic boundary conditions in each dimension.

xs : array of (n, 3) arrays

An array of the streamlines, which in general can have varying numbers of points.

ROT : integer array

Reason(s) of termination. Shape len(xs) if traced in one direction, or (len(xs), 2) if traced in both directions. Can take the following values: - -1: Encountered a NaN - 1: Reached maximum available steps - 2: Out of bounds

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

trace(self, seeds, grid[, direction]) Trace streamlines.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

trace(self, seeds, grid, direction=0)

Trace streamlines.

This traces streamlines from a series of seeds, through a vector field.

seeds : (n, 3) array

Seed points.

grid : VectorGrid

Grid of field vectors.

direction : int, optional

Integration direction. 0 for both directions, 1 for forward, or -1 for backwards.