
class streamtracer.VectorGrid(vectors, grid_spacing, origin_coord=None, cyclic=None)

Bases: object

A grid of vectors.

vectors : array

A (nx, ny, nz, 3) shaped array. The three values at (i, j, k, :) specify the (x, y, z) components of the vector at index (i, j, k).

grid_spacing : array

A (3,) shaped array, that contains the grid spacings in the (x, y, z) directions.

origin_coord = [float, float, float], optional

The coordinate of the vectors[0, 0, 0, :] vector at the corner of the box. Defaults to [0, 0, 0].

cyclic : [bool, bool, bool], optional

Whether to have cyclic boundary conditions in each of the (x, y, z) directions. Defaults to [False, False, False].


If any of cyclic are True, then the grid values on each side of the cyclic dimension must match, e.g. if cyclic=[False, True, False], vectors[:, 0, :, :] must equal vectors[:, -1, :, :].

Attributes Summary

xcoords Coordinates of the x grid points.
ycoords Coordinates of the x grid points.
zcoords Coordinates of the x grid points.

Attributes Documentation


Coordinates of the x grid points.


Coordinates of the x grid points.


Coordinates of the x grid points.